Theme: Emerging Trends and Techniques for Electronic Resource Management in Libraries: Issues & Challenges


A. Electronic Resource Acquisition and Implementation

·         E-resources( Books, Journals, Databases etc)

·         Investigation and acquisition

·         Access new product

·         Licensing

·         Implementation access of e-resources

B. E-resources Organizational Strategies

·         Understanding budget

(Management Budget, Pricing Model, etc)

·         Collaborative & Participatory information environment ( Consortium, Networking, DDS etc)

·         Embargo

·         Federation & Repositories

C. Evaluation and Review of e-resources 

·         Evaluation of on-going access

·         Usage, access query, users feedback

·         Cost effectiveness

 D. Scholarly communication

·         Open access

·         IPR, Fair use, Plagiarism

·         Digital Right Management

·         Impact Factor, H-Factor

·         Citation Model ( APA, MLA, Chicago IEEE) & Tools ( EndNote, Refworks, Bib Tex, Mendeley, etc)

E. Effective Searching and Discovery

·         Discovery system

·         Federated Searching

·         User behavior analysis & modeling

F. Emerging Technologies and Trends

·         Use of Mobile devices in libraries

·         Cataloguing e-resources using Koha

·         Content Management System (Joomla integration with Koha)

G. Challenges & Issue related to ERM

Target Audiences:

·         Library and Information Science professionals

·         Librarian; Information Scientist

·         Knowledge Manager

·         E-learning communities

·         Students & Scholars

·         Library consultants

·         Electronic print and publishing community.

Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit abstract/full papers for the conference as per the following guidelines.

·         Title of the paper: Sub title( if available)

·         Name of author (s), Institute/Organization Address

·         Abstract (not exceeding 250 words)

·         Keywords

·         Body of the paper

·         Reference (APA style)

·         Length of paper: not exceeding 8 pages (A4 Size); Single Space, 12 point font size (Times New Roman Font) and Headlines in caps.

·         The manuscript should be in .doc/.docx format and send to <>

·         All the papers will be reviewed by the review committee and the corresponding author of the selected paper will be intimated through email and the paper/abstract will be published in the conference volume .

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